
Angkor Wat – Cambodia

There is something majestic about this ancient city, forgotten in time found by the french lost to the Khmer Rouge and then a tourist hotspot. The ruins of Angkor (the whole complex) is something enormous. There is no wonder its the most intricate religious building I’ve ever seen,  with hundreds of spotless carvings, trees in temples and massive … Continue reading

India?! no, this is Bangkok!
Journalism / Photojournalism

India?! no, this is Bangkok!

A capital for Buddhism Bangkok and its mega temples, palaces and monasteries consecrated to lord Buddha, is with its 9 millon dwellers quite homogenous, but some chinese temples rise here and there and five hindu temples. During the night of october 24th a festival was building up, people where taking their sacred images, mostly bronze statues, from their cars. And in Thai style … Continue reading

Journalism / Photography / Photojournalism

Stormy clouds and safe waters, Inle Lake, Myanmar.

Inle lake, Myanmar’s prime tourist destination, perfect climate and beautiful landscape.  An amateur chess match takes places, tension is high both players still play with their queens, a horse, two towers and four pawns. Black is in a better position and after some baffling errors, just the difference in position made black overwhelm his opponent. … Continue reading